Vehicles/Systems currently supported:
HMMWV (all variations), MRAP (all variations), M35 Series (2 1/2 Ton A2 & A3), M52, M800 & M900 Series (5 Ton A1 & A2), M915 thru M920 Series Vehicles, (A1 & A2), HEMTT family of 8X8 vehicles, All M-Series trailers of any size (to include Patriot), All Generators/Power Units, M113 Family of APC, M88, M60, & M48 Tank variations,SEE, (Small Emplacement Excavator), FMTV, (Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles), Various Engineer Equipment, ie.. 950B, 130G, etc., M1 Abram, M2 / M3 Bradley, V150 series, 4K, 6K, & 10K Forklifts,M9ACE and MORE !!!